Engagement of A Global Workforce

14 de April de 2022
Globally Biz

In the last decade or so, companies and businesses have seen a growth in global opportunities. Many firms now partner with overseas businesses to work on projects or outsource experts from other countries. People are coming together to create wonderful opportunities across many sectors and industries. Global collaborations are made possible with technology. However, there’s still the hurdle of language barriers. A global workforce means you now have to engage each individual despite not speaking their languages!

Know your workforce
Distance is a factor in many global relations. You may not have frequent in-person interactions with members of your global team. This doesn’t mean you can’t get to know them personally. Tools such as video conferencing software (Zoom, Microsoft Teams) can help you put faces to names. The key to knowing your workforce is communication.
Frequent meetings, check-ins, and one-on-one conversations are ways to have more human-based interaction. Emails and instant messaging are also essential in times that voice or video calls are not able to occur. Keeping all lines of communication open will ensure that no one feels left out and helps in strengthening your global bond.

Be universal
Different parts of the world may not have access to the same systems or software that may be commonplace in your country. For example, Google products aren’t accessible in China. So, how do you work around this? Apart from VPN software, you can alternatively implement a more universal approach to online business systems. Create and customize your own system or research the best intercontinental business platforms to find what suits your business needs. As for your website, ensure that it’s easily translated into several languages and user friendly. If you’re going global you need to maintain the same professional outlook for your global counterparts as well as locals.

Hire language and translation experts
Consider calling in professional translators to help you communicate with your foreign associates. From documents to telephonic interpretive services, here at Globally Biz, we provide clients with global communication solutions. While many translation apps exist, they aren’t as accurate as human translation or native speaker knowledge. Using trained interpreters will prevent any sort of miscommunication or misunderstanding to ensure your business meetings go smoothly.

Don’t forget to have fun
A lot of workforce bonding happens when the focus shifts from work to casual or laid-back settings. In-person colleagues may lunch together, have office functions, or go out after work for drinks. A global workforce can experience this too, virtually. Use the resources for work meetings to host after-work online get-togethers. This helps to create a sense of inclusion for members of a global workforce who may feel isolated. Teams can communicate in a relaxed setting, participate in fun activities such as online games, have contests, celebrate a colleague’s birthday, accomplishments, and much more!
Keeping any workforce engaged can be a challenge, add global entities into the mix and you have to up your level of innovation. At GloballyBiz, we help you to bridge the gap and create secure, reliable modes of communication and business practices to manage an efficient international workforce.

1 comment


Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

7 de September de 2022

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